Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Los efectos de la inducción de estados emocionales positivos y negativos sobre las creencias de autoeficacia académica de estudiantes universitarios
(Psicología Educativa. Elsevier, 2016)
Numerosos estudios han examinado la relación entre emociones positivas y negativas y autoeficacia, aunque consideramos que algunos aspectos teóricos y metodológicos no son contemplados. En este estudio se incluyen como ...
Using Constrained Factor Mixture Analysis to Validate Mixed-Worded Psychological Scales: The Case of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale in the Dominican Republic
(Personality and Social Psychology, 2021-08)
A common method to collect information in the behavioral and health sciences is the
self-report. However, the validity of self-reports is frequently threatened by response
biases, particularly those associated with ...
A narrative review of emotion regulation process in stress and recovery phases
(Heliyon, 2021-06)
The difficulty in studying the relationship between stress and emotional regulation is due to the need to contemplate a dynamic perspective that analyzes the moderating role of stress. In fact, stress involves different ...
COVID-19 pandemic and health worker stress: The mediating effect of emotional regulation
(PLoS ONE, 2021-11)
Psychological and physical well-being of health personnel has been significantly affected by COVID-19. Work overload and continuous exposure to positive COVID-19 cases have caused them fatigue, stress, anxiety, insomnia ...
PsicAP transdiagnostic protocol of group cognitive-behavioral training for emotional disorders in Dominican Republic: a randomized controlled trial protocol
(BMC Psychiatr, 2023-05)
Emotional disorders (ED) such as anxiety, depression and somatization are extremely prevalent disorders that can affect an individual’s quality of life and functionality. Primary Health Care (PHC) is the first place to ...
Psychometric Analysis of Two Brief Versions of the CERQ in the Argentinean Population: CERQ-18 and CERQ-27
(Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 2023-03)
Emotion Regulation (ER) involves any explicit or implicit process that may alter the emotion felt, its duration and expression, and is a transdiagnostic factor of vulnerability involved in the etiology and maintenance of ...
Design and validation of virtual environments for the treatment of cleaning obsessive-compulsive disorder
(Heliyon, 2022-12)
During the coronavirus outbreak, it was noted that pre-existing psychological illnesses worsened, and numerous research indicate that those with contamination-related obsessions and cleaning compulsions (C-OCD) may be more ...
Psychometric Analysis of Two Brief Versions of the CERQ in the Argentinean Population: CERQ-18 and CERQ-27
(Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, Russian Psychological Society, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 2023)
Background. emotion regulation (er) involves any explicit or implicit process that may alter the emotion felt, its duration and expression, and is a transdiagnostic factor of vulnerability involved in the etiology and ...
PsicAP transdiagnostic protocol of group cognitive-behavioral training for emotional disorders in Dominican Republic: a randomized controlled trial protocol
(BMC Psychiatry, Part of Springer Nature., 2023)
Emotional disorders (ED) such as anxiety, depression and somatization are extremely prevalent disorders that can affect an individual’s quality of life and functionality. Primary Health Care (PHC) is the first place to ...